

Not satisfied with the translation service you received?

If you have frequent problems with the translations you receive, there may be different reasons for this. Although the first person to come to mind in […]

How to choose a translation company for pharmaceutical and medical device translation

Since the users of the end product are physicians and patients in pharmaceutical and medical device translations, the translation process in these fields should be managed […]

Why you should be more careful when you buy medical translation services

It may sound easy to get medical translation services in the fields of science such as pharmaceuticals, medical devices, and animal health. The direct translation of […]

Specifics of implementing machine translation

There are many paid and free providers on the market and translation companies that offer machine translation services. However, machine translation is not so easy to […]

Why you should never use Google Translate for professional purposes

Nowadays, easy access to free translation tools can raise the question of why you shouldn’t use Google Translate and similar machine translation technologies. The answer to […]
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